The Comic Book Listings Blog: Found Batman #1 Comic Book on eBay
Batman No. 1

This Batman #1 has a hand drawn sketch of Robin on the back cover Signed by, "Bob Kane"! So Yeah i'm gonna blog about it. The reserve has not been yet (as of this post) but, well here, see for yourself...
Seller's Description:

This auction is for Batman 1 published in 1940 by DC Comics. This comic contains the origin of Batman, the 1st appearance of the Joker, and the 1st appearance of Cat-Woman (The first Villainess in the history of comics) Batman 1 is currently the 6th most valuable comic ever published with a top guide value of $215,000.
The front cover on this particular copy has fantastic eye appeal. Unfortunately the closer you look at the book the more you are able to notice a large number of small non-colorbreaking defects. The back cover has some substantial creasing. The comic has extensive professional restoration including color touch, pieces added, tear seals, spine reinforcement, trimming and has been reglossed. I'm a little hesitant to assign a grade to this book as I've shown it to a number of other comic dealers and opinions on the grade varied widely.
Aside from being a Batman 1, perhaps the coolest thing about the book is that it has a signature and sketch by Bob Kane on the back cover! (The sketch & signature are authentic.)
In addition to being an extremely cool collectible, Batman 1 also makes an excellent investment! Batman 1 went up in value 16% last year in even the lowest grade! This comic has gone up in value consistently every year for the last 40 years. In fact, just for fun I pulled out a price guide from 25 years ago. In the lowest grades, this comic increased in value 1055% over the past 25 years, and it has increased in value 3772% in higher grades. This comic is a safe place to invest money in these days of economic uncertainty!
Unfortunately, unrestored copies of Batman 1 are beginning to become unaffordable to most collectors, with a 5.0 VG/F selling for $44,000 and even a 3.0 G/VG copy selling recently for over $19,000!!
I will be setting the reserve very low on this one, with a buy it now price thats less than what a trimmed, Extensively amateur restored VG+ copy sold for last year. Read More!
Auction Details: (as of this post)
Seller: filter81
Auction Ends: Apr-29-09 19:57:38 PDT (6 days)
Item location: West Henrietta, New York, United States
History: 50 bids
Page Views: 1013
Current Bid: US $8600
Auction Link: Batman 1 1940 DC 1st app Joker. Signed by Bob Kane !!
6th most valuable comic NM-value $215000 up 16% last yr
Note: images have been shrunk to fit my page.
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