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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Free Comic Book Day Approacheth!

The Comic Book Listings Blog:

Free Comic Book Day

Seven Days Left and Counting.

Free Comic Book Day is key to conquering illiteracy in America, especially amongst the poor. Nothing inspires a child's mind more than fantasy, and nothing activates a child's mind more than reading.

Free Comic Book Day is the First Saturday in May when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely FREE* to anyone who comes into their stores. (Check with your local shop for their participation and rules.) Take that day, to bring a child to light.

Free from, ... the video below.

Hugh Jackman, star of X-Men Origins: Wolverine talks about Free Comic Book Day, and the importance of comics in fighting illiteracy. This is followed by a theatrical trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Feel free to share this video with others by using the URL link or post the video to your website by adding the Embed Code to your site. To get the code to do this just, move your mouse over the up arrow in the bottom right corner of the movie player frame. A tiny options screen will appear. Click on the options screen and the movie player will change to code view, allowing you to copy whichever code you'd like.


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