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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Charlie Brown Encyclopedia Set of 15 Volumes

The Comic Book Listings Blog: Found 15 Volumes of the Charlie Brown Encyclopedia Set for sale on craigslist.

Seller's Description:

Published in 1981, this is the complete Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Set consisting of 15 volumes. Each book is in great condition. Each volume is filled with coloful illustrations, comics and opportunities for learning. Great for homeschooling, everyday enjoyment or as a collector's item. The books are listed below. Email if interested.

1. Your Body
2. All Kinds Of Animals From Fish To Frogs
3. All Kinds Of Animals From Dinosaurs To Elephants
4. Cars And Trains And Other Things That Move
5. Boats And Other Things That Float
6. Planes And Other Things That Fly
7. Space Travel
8. Stars And Planets And Plants
9. The Earth, Weather And Climate
10. People Around The World
11. What We Wear
12. Holidays
13. Machines And How They Work
14. Sound, Light and Air
15. Electricity And Magnetism


Price: $40.00

Location: seattle-tacoma craigslist

Seller's Link: 15-Volume Charlie Brown Encyclopedia Set - $40 (Shoreline)


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