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Thursday, April 7, 2011


Comic Book Listings Blog:

For Immediate Release:

Comic Book Icon Stan Lee Joins Industry Creators for Japan Benefit Graphic Novel

JAPAN NEEDS HEROES, a comic book anthology will donate 100% of its profits to help those affected by tragedies in Japan.

Orlando FL (DISTRIBUTER) April 04, 2011 – In a heroic effort similar to the characters they create, comic book veterans such as Stan Lee and other industry superstars are banding together. Their efforts will help raise money for Japan in a book appropriately titled – JAPAN NEEDS HEROES.

Independent publisher, Red Giant Entertainment (RGE) started reaching out to the industry on Friday, March 18, 2011. The response by both creators and fans alike has been staggering.

Stan “The Man” Lee, not only an icon of comics, but the co-creator of such beloved heroes as Spider-Man, the X-Men, Hulk and Iron Man, has written the foreword for the book.

“When I was asked if I would put pen to page for this cause,” said Stan Lee, “my answer was an immediate ‘of course!’ How could I not? This is too important an issue for all of us not to do our part.”

“Stan Lee lending his voice to our project is momentous,” said Benny R. Powell, CEO of RGE. “Stan Lee revolutionized what comic books are and he continues to be an ambassador for our industry to the world and a driving creative visionary.”

“Stan is the embodiment of what a hero is,” stated David Campiti, Glass House Graphics agency CEO who recently worked with Stan Lee on the book Stan Lee’s How to Draw Comics. “His example is inspirational. This is an important cause, and we’re happy to follow his lead with our creators as well.”

The call for help has likewise been taken up by other industry veterans. Beloved writers Peter David (known for X-Factor and Hulk), Larry Hama (known for G.I. Joe and Wolverine) and fan favorite artist Mike Deodato (known for New Avengers, Thor and Spider-Man) are just some of the dozens of big names coming on board from the traditional print comic book community. Nearly every major comic book company, including Marvel and DC, will have talent represented in the book, unifying the industry in solidarity to help out.

This project straddles more than just any one genre and more than just the print world. Webcomics have grown to become one of the largest sectors of the comic book industry with millions of readers worldwide. That is why the invitation went out to the Webcomic community as well and many of the fan favorite creators. Tarol Hunt (Goblins), Gisele Lagace & Dave Zero1 (Eerie Cuties), Chris Crosby and Owen Gieni (Sore Thumbs), T Campbell (Penny and Aggie) and dozens more have already signed on to lend their creativity and characters to the book.

All profits from JAPAN NEEDS HEROES will be donated to the Japan Society, a non-profit organization that has created a special disaster relief fund to aid victims of the Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Over the years, Japan Society has partnered with several Japanese and American non-profits working on the frontlines of disaster relief and recovery.

100% of the profits for this book will go to them to directly help victims recover from the devastating effects of the earthquake and tsunamis that struck Japan on March 11, 2011.

This book is funding itself through the Kickstarter program which can be reached through or in the comics section directly on In just a few days, it has already raised over $10,000, and hopes to achieve much more to help with the estimated $235 billion in damage these unprecedented disasters have caused.

“My wife is from Japan,” explained Powell, “and while her family is safe, they remain incredibly afraid and uncertain for the future. I realized we had to do something. Comics have a power to reach audiences and that’s a powerful thing. More and more creators will join our cause in the coming days. This transcends any genre, medium, or publisher. This need is bigger than anything our world has ever faced, and we truly believe that together we can make a difference.”


Stan Lee, the Founder, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment, LLC, is recognized to millions around the world as the man whose beloved superheroes propelled Marvel to its distinguished position in the comic book industry. He is also Chairman Emeritus of Marvel Comics and Marvel Films.


Japan Needs Heroes is a comic book anthology project that will be released early summer 2011, with creators from across every genre and representing nearly every major comic book publisher. It will focus on stories of inspiration with messages of hope and promises of a better tomorrow by working with the heroes in each of us. It is expected to be between 200 to 300 pages and will be published in full color with its printing being provided at cost by the printer.


Red Giant Entertainment is an independent creative company that works primarily in print and Web comic book publishing, with further ties to development in film, television, games, animation and all cross-media platforms with its sister company, Red Giant Media (Isen Robbins, Aimee Schoof). They work with both in-house properties and as an outsourced resource for other production companies, creator-owned properties and publishers.

For more information or to participate, contact:

Benny R. Powell

Red Giant Entertainment

614 E Hwy 50 #235

Clermont, FL 34711

(407) 484-0002



Anonymous said...

Wow! That's great.

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