The Comic Book Listings Blog: Found 160 Comic Books For Trade on craigslist
Will Trade
160 Silver Age Comic Books
for Macintosh Computer
160 Silver Age Comic Books
for Macintosh Computer
Ok boys and girls, Listen Up!
The Comic Book Listings Blog has found an INCREDIBLE DEAL.
This seller actually considered auctioning his 160+ SILVER AGE comic books, one at a time. But then he thought, "eh, i'll just trade them All for a Macintosh Computer, which is what i Really want anyway", (not an exact quote), and he did say a "late-model Macintosh", also.
Nevertheless this should turn out to be a GREAT deal for anyone willing to work it. And who knows, he may take just enough CASH to go out and buy whatever Macintosh Computer he prefers. And in deed if these comics turn out to be what "I think" they are (Rare), then hell, just pay him enough money to buy a NEW Macintosh Computer for his 160 SILVER AGE Comic Books, and RUN LIKE HELL!
Luckly for the patrons of The Comic Book Listings Blog, the seller has posted his comic books for trade deal in the "Computers for Sale" section of the craigslist classifieds. Which, should buy you a little time, but as The Comic Book Listings Blog has come to be known as the FIRST blog to check for Comic Book Bargains, you may not have Much time. So again, HURRY!!!
Here is the
Seller's Description:
Silver Age Comic Book Collection will trade for recent Macintosh
I was going to auction these off individually, but thought I'd try and save the time by seeking a trade for what I want: a late-model Macintosh computer. It doesn't necessarily have to be brand new... just with a relatively recent CPU so it's decently fast. I'm willing to consider any model of Mac be it a desktop or laptop, so if you've got one to swap for my collection of comic books, drop me an email and let's see if we can make a trade. Thanks.
See these links for full lists of all issues/condition, and high-rez images:
Please note: I've posted this offer here due to its subject matter... it has NOT been cross-posted to any other part of Craigslist. Thanks.
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Listing Details:
Location: los angeles craigslist
Craigslist LINK: Silver Age Comic Book Collection will trade for recent Macintosh (Hollywood)
UPDATE: This Listing has Expired! Which probably means nobody wanted to trade their Mac. (Thought Mac users were suppose to be smart?) I will keep searching to see if this listing comes back up. If re-listed, I will again Update this post to include the new link.
The ComicBookListings Blog is Not in any way associated, nor affiliated with any sellers, manufacturers, nor with any other entities or agents of this (or these) products. We receive no payments, commissions, reimbursements, or compensation for the display or sale of this (or these) items. They are displayed here, simply as listing News, so Enjoy! And of course, Buyer Beware!
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