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Saturday, October 27, 2012

15,000 Vintage Comics / Collectibles Sale

The Comic Book Listings Blog:

Comic Book Listing News:

15,000 Silver Age - 1990 Comics
TONS of Vintage Collectibles
For Sale on craigslist

As a comic book collector, naturally I always search the classifieds.

And today I Found,
  • a COMIC collection of 15,000 silver age through 1990s comics,
  • 10,000 LPs (LP) all genres, (Most of the LPs are new stock since our last sale!)
  • 1,000 45s
  • 10,000 Magazines of many different subjects
  • 10,000 Life Magazines all issues (1930s-present)
  • 2,000 Sports Illustrated magazines (1950's to present)
  • 1,500 cds
  • 2500 books
  • 3,500 postcards

And ALL in one location... or rather in one Ad... on craigslist.

Supposedly, "the Sale" is Oct. 26-28 (Friday and Saturday). But I've seen this Ad before so I know the seller will have a Bunch of stuff left over. In fact, seller has posted his/her? Phone# in their craigslist Ad so you can call and... who knows?

Point is, this seller has so many Vintage Items for sale that you just Got to check out his Ad.

Here is the...

Link: Oct. 26-28 Collectable Sale Comics LPs Books Sports (North Dallas)

Update: Nov. 10 2012
I just checked this link and it is Still Good in spite of it's Oct. 26-28 dating, so you still got time. Good Hunting!

The Comic Book Listings Blog is Not in any way associated, nor affiliated with any sellers, manufacturers, buyers nor with any other entities or agents of the Above^ products. We receive no payments, commissions, reimbursements, or compensation for the display or sale of this (or these) items. They are displayed here, simply as "Listing News".
So Enjoy! And of course, Buyer Beware!

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