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Monday, June 22, 2009

6000 Comic Books for $325 + Buyer at $35.00 per Long Box

The Comic Book Listings Blog:
Found 6000 Comic Books For Sale
on craigslist

6000 (Six Thousand) Comic Books For Sale! And all for only $325.00! (That's $16.25 per Long Box.) Unfortunately the seller did not provide any pictures but then, you know what Twenty Long Boxes of comic books looks like. And besides, he does give a pretty good description so without further a due..

OH! I almost forgot! As a "Special Bonus Listing" to this post, I have included another "Separate" listing that I found on craigslist, from a collector who wants to buy "mass quantities of comic books" for $35.00 per Long Box.

Of course, I cannot tell but that, since Both listings are posted on the Chicago craigslist. They may in fact be from the same person. Nevertheless, if you can buy for $16.25 a box, and Sell for $35 in a quick turn around. That's $375 profit for your time and effort to find out if it is the same person or not. However, even if these two Ads are Not from the same person, and as deals almost never work out like you want them to. The buyer may only buy a portion of the 6000 comic books that are up for sale. Nevertheless, and again, since both are located in the Chicago, Illinois area; it might be worth checking into especially if, You are a Chicago resident yourself.

Having said all that, and of course that; The ComicBookListings Blog is Not in any way associated, nor affiliated with any sellers, manufacturers, buyers nor with any other entities or agents of this (or these) products. We receive no payments, commissions, reimbursements, or compensation for the display or sale of this (or these) items. They are displayed here, simply as listing News, so Enjoy! And of course, Buyer Beware!


Seller's Description:
Up for sale are 20 long boxes of comic books, that means about 6000 comics (most likely more). Comics are from the mid 1980s to the early 2000s. For the most part the comics are in VF-NM condition. There are few that are in lesser grades. These are not all water damaged or coverless comics. Some are bagged, some bagged and boarded some are loose. Some but not extensive duplication. No finding a box with 50 copies of 6 different books in it.

Will not lie and say these are all great comics, there are some Marvel and DC mostly second tier titles and lots of Image, Valiant, Malibu and Dark Horse. There are no Disney or Archie Comics. There are also some Wizard magazines thrown in. For the most part these are 2nd tier titles. There are NOT any real valauble comics - they're being sold for less than a dime each.

Price on them all is $325, less than $18 a long box! Be advised this is more than many people can fit in their cars.

These comics are the ones you might find in an antique mall for $3.oo each or for sale at a flea markets for $1 each or at a comic book convention for 50c or a quarter each. So if you are looking for things to sell at one of these type of venues this may be the deal for you.

Listing Details:

Location: chicago craigslist

Listing Link: 6000 comic books - $325 (north central Illinois)

UPDATE: This Listing has Expired on craigslist!
I am currently monitoring craigslist to see if the seller Re-list in which case, I will post a new link here.


Buyers Want Ad:
Looking for mass quantities of comic books. I will pay $35 per long box for unbagged assorted comics from 2007, 2008 and 2009! Sometimes I will also buy older books but I will not pay as much for those. Comics from the 1980s and 1990s I will only pay $10 per long box. I am not interested in small quantities of comics - small means you can carry all of them at one time. Tell me how many you want ot get rid of!

Buyer's Location: chicago craigslist

Buyer's Listing Link: Buying Comics in Bulk!

UPDATE: This Listing has Expired on craigslist!
I am currently monitoring craigslist to see if the seller Re-list in which case, I will post a new link here.

UPDATE: Re-listed; Buying Comics in Bulk!


UPDATE: This Listing has Expired on craigslist!
If it is re-listed, I will post the link here.


1 comment:

cheapdanny said...

if only i saved some of the comic books growing up!... keep up the great work.

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