ComicBookListings: Website Review;
The Comic Book Listings Blog with it's Constant Bargain Hunting (and reporting on those bargains), sometimes runs across a website that is "Good Enough" to be added to our Hallowed Pages!
Such is the case with;
"Ratchet’s Hulk Collection".
Ratchet’s Hulk Collection -aside from being a Great "Hulk" Website- is one of the "Finest" Hulk collections I have ever seen. A true collector who takes pride not only in his collection, but in his work, "His Story" is one I wish ALL to read. Especially, any School Age Kids thinking about starting their own collection of Hulks. Or for that matter, a collection of Anything as Ratchet's story is one of "Amazing Adventures", and even More importantly, of being able to Recognize Opportunities when they come Your way; or to Create them when they don't.
In fact, the following excerpt from "Ratchet's About Page" should clue you in, to just what I mean...
I didn’t really start collecting the Hulk till long into my teens. As a kid I was always more a He-Man collector.
I had a few Hulk things from when I was young. Most notably the Hulk Halloween bucket. I didn’t even own a Hulk Comic till I was 15. My first Hulk Comic was #343 - part of the “Ground Zero” story. In those days Image was just starting up and most people’s focus was on that… and then of course Superman died… so that was a big deal.
I started seriously collecting comics when I was a senior in High School. Always picking up the Hulk, but more caught up in the Image movement. I randomly picked up the Keown back issue here and there - the regular Hulk artist at that time was Gary Frank (who is not my favorite - made the Hulk look too clean and not enough like a monster. Like a green male model, really) So the new comics didn’t hold my interest as much as the back issues I was collecting were. Then I graduated High School and didn’t have a job - so… I had no money. No money meant no comics. Read Full Story Here!
You see? It is at this particular point in any "person's" life, when (weather he knows it or not) he must make a choice between the ways of the world, and his Own dream.
I want You school kids to pay Close Attention to this part as what Ratchet did next, would facilitate his creation of a "Museum Quality Collection of Hulks" that is "True Pedigree"!
"Ratchet", as the Bargain Hunter of the Comic Book Listings blog, I Salute You! Both for your accomplishment, and for a job well done.
A word of Warning to any future collectors however, as I too "Once" had a collection such as Ratchet's. Far superior in fact as I started collecting back in the Sixties. But then, I got married. And that's all I'm going to say about that!
Note; that Ratchet now Displays his collection at his local library. His website has Tons of Hulk information and he is willing to help anyone (especially kids) who are just starting out on their incredible journey into the Amazing and Exciting World of Comic Book Collecting. Visit...
Ratchet’s "Incredible" Hulk Collection website links:
About Page
Comics Page
Vintage Page
and More...
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