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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wife Cleaning out My comic books!

The Comic Book Listings Blog: I Found these Comic Books For Sale on craigslist and while their titles are fairly common, it was the Ad itself that attracted my attention. Poor Guy!

Seller's Description:

Wife is cleaning out the closet and said my stuff had to go.
I have collector cards made by Fleer91, Blue chips, Topps, Topps Stadium Club, Upper Deck. They range in date from 90 to 94.

I have the following:
Football 407 cards
Baseball 428 cards includes a 96 reprint of Mickey Mantle rookie card
Basketball 755 cards also have 140 93-94 Jam Session cards
Dessert Storm 83 cards
Soccer 15 (1991)
Hockey 5
Total 1833 cards

As far as comic books they are all used But all are in good condition.
Shadow Hawk by Image 1992 series 1,2 and 3
Robotech Genesis The Legend of Zor by Eternity series 1 and 4 1992 series 4 has trading cards
William Shatner's Tek World by Marvel Comics 1992 series 1 and 2
Ghost Rider & Blaze Spirits of Vengeance by Marvel Comics part 2 of 6 This one is still in plastic never opened.
Venom Funeral Pyre by Marvel comics 1993 1st issue
Doom 2099 by Marvel comics 1993 1st issue
Captain America My Marvel comics 1993 #411
Spiderman by marvel comics 1992 #26
Superman The Man of Steel Doomsday by DC comics 1993#1
Meteor Man by Marvel Comics 1993 #1

Can take pics if needed.
I am Heading close to metro plex this evening. Would not mind bring and meeting if it would help someone.

$250.00 obo for everything listed above This would be a nice addition to anyones collection. I have to many hobbies and I have to get rid of some of them. Would consider trades. Farm related. No hobby stuff. (chicens, ducks, goats, ponies etc.)

Listing Details:

Location: Durant Ok

Listing Location: dallas craigslist

Listing Link: comic books and cards got to go - $250 (Durant Ok)

UPDATE: This Listing has been Deleted by it's owner! Probably because his comic books were SOLD... (or thrown in the trash).

The ComicBookListings Blog is Not in any way associated, nor affiliated with any sellers, manufacturers, buyers nor with any other entities or agents of this (or these) products. We receive no payments, commissions, reimbursements, or compensation for the display or sale of this (or these) items. They are displayed here, simply as listing News, so Enjoy! And of course, Buyer Beware!


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