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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wolverine Comic Lot 1-109 + For Sale on craigslist

The Comic Book Listings Blog:

Comic Book Listing News:

Wolverine Comic Lot
For Sale on craigslist 
Wolverine Comic Lot
Wolverine Comic Lot

Wolverine Comic Lot 1-109
Wolverine Orgins 1-6
Wolverine Gambit 1-4
and MORE!!!

I FOUND this Ad on craigslist and what a Great find it is. A Huge lot of Wolverine comic books. Wolverine 1-109, Wolverine Orgins 1-6, Wolverine Gambit 1-4, Ghost Rider/ Wolverine 3 books, Weapon X1-4, Spiderman VS Wolverine, Hulk Vs Wolverine, and much much more! Over 200 Comics in all including a few Sabortooth comics.

If you're a Wolverine fan, then this is the collection for you. Over 200 comics and all for only $150.00. Yeah I know that's a bit high for Modern Age comics. But you consider the Wolverine run as a whole, well, you're just not going to find them altogether like this for that price.

Having said all that, keep in mind that I do not know the seller, and that you will have to do your own Due Diligence as to the legitimacy of this Ad. In other words, Buyer Beware!

Nevertheless, and as I said. "If you're a Wolverine fan", then you should Really check this out.

Listing Location: san diego craigslist
Item Location: Rancho Bernardo

Listing Link: Wolverine Comic Lot - $150 (Rancho Bernardo)

The Comic Book Listings Blog is Not in any way associated, nor affiliated with any sellers, manufacturers, buyers nor with any other entities or agents of the Above^ products. We receive no payments, commissions, reimbursements, or compensation for the display or sale of this (or these) items. They are displayed here, simply as "Listing News".
So Enjoy! And of course, Buyer Beware!


GST Training said...

very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.

Dylan said...

Thanks for thiis

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