The Comic Book Listings Blog:Comic Con News:
Dallas Comic-Con
Super Hero Guest List!
MEET: Marvel Comics
STAN (The Man) LEE,Val Kilmer (Batman Forever), Adam West (Batman), Burt Ward (Robin), Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: Next Generation), Laura Vandervoort (Supergirl), John De Lancie (Star Trek: Q), Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3), Peter Mayhew (Star Wars: CHEWBACCA), Dave Prowse (Star Wars: Darth Vader), Tim Taylor (Hunger Games: GameKeeper), and many MANY MORE!!! VAL KILMER is coming to Dallas! Val known to comic fans as Bruce Wayne/Batman in BATMAN FOREVER, has a long list of incredible credits from TOP GUN to REAL GENIUS, from THE DOORS to WILLOW, from TOMBSTONE to TOP SECRET and dozens more. -
| PATRICK STEWART joins the Dallas Comic Con lineup! Best known to comic fans as Professor X from the blockbuster X-MEN series, and to Trek fans worldwide as Captain Picard from STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATION. Make plans to meet the man in his 1st Texas appearance! Attending Saturday only. -
| LAURA VANDERVOORT is most famous to comic book fans as Kara Kent / Supergirl on TV’s SMALLVILLE , and to Sci-FI fans for playing Lisa on TV’s V along side Morena Baccarin. First time DCC guest!
ADAM WEST returns to the Dallas Comic Con! Adam is best known to comic fans as TV’s hugely popular 1960s BATMAN has recently contributed his voice to FAMILY GUY and THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS. Help us welcome Adam back to the Dallas area. -
| BURT WARD joins the DCC lineup! Burt acted along side Adam West as BATMANs sidekick ROBIN in the 1966 BATMAN TV series. Burt has appeared on several Bat-themed TV shows and specials through the years including sharing his voice on a recent episode of SPONGEBOB SQUARE-PANTS. -
| JOHN DE LANCIE The perfect complementary guest to TNG guest Patrick Stewart. John is probably best known to TREK fans as “Q”, but he also has lots of other credits to his name from Days of our lives to Torchwood. Help us welcome John back to Texas! -
PETER MAYHEW Everyone’s favorite wookiee returns to the DCC! Fan favorite Peter Mayhew known best as HAN SOLO’s trusty companion CHEWBACCA in the STAR WARS saga will be on hand to say hi to fans. -
| DAVE PROWSE Our good friend Dave (STAR WARS Trilogy man behind the mask Darth Vader) returns to Texas! Help us welcome Dave back to the states after his recent surgery! -
| JEREMY BULLOCH joins the DCC lineup. Jeremy best known for his role as Boba-Fett in the original STAR WARS trilogy has graced the James Bond screen, and much more! Help us welcome Jeremy back to Texas! -
KRISTANNA LOKEN T-X in TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES, star of PAIN KILLER JANE, BLOODRAYNE, THE L WORD, MORTAL KOMBAT: CONQUEST, UNHAPPILY EVER AFTER. Has appeared on STAR TREK: VOYAGER, BURN NOTICE, LOIS AND CLARK, and JUST SHOOT ME! | KEVIN CONROY boosts the growing DCC guest list! Kevin has been the voice of BRUCE WAYNE/BATMAN in almost every animated TV/film episode and BATMAN video game for the past decade! Kevin makes a special DCC stop and will be signing for fans for FREE! Stay tuned for more details! Autograph FREE. | TIM TAYLOR HUNGER GAMES Dallas native Tim Taylor who played the fire-ball throwing GAMEKEEPER joins the Dallas Comic Con! Help us welcome Tim to the DCC!

As it turns out,This will be the LARGEST Dallas Comic-Con EVER!!!And with So Many guest, that I just could not list them all. In fact, I did not list any of the famous artist.
So for a Complete and Up To Date List,
check out the
Dallas Comic-Con Website!~ CBL
Update: BREAKING NEWS05/15/12 Due to new film commitments, Kristanna Loken is no longer able to attend. But look who we got to replace her!
05/11/12 Due to recent changes in Val Kilmer’s schedule with his one-man show MARK TWAIN touring the country, Val is not longer available for DCC. Val hopes to attend our Oct 20-21 event.
05/05/12 Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, Stan Lee is only available to attend Saturday May 19th. To help us accommodate more fans, Stan will now also be signing autographs for fans Friday evening (5-7pm). Wear your Saturday or Sunday badge to gain entry into the lobby Friday evening. Don’t have your badge yet? Don’t worry, we will have the box office open Friday evening as well from 430-7pm.
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