Contest News:
Wonder Woman's
Costume Redesign Contest
Costume Redesign Contest

Super Hero of the Month, and Girls Read Comics, Team-Up to bring you a long over due contest to redesign Wonder Woman's Costume.
I contend, that the Original Full Bodied Wonder (Bathing) Suit (pictured above), is too good to be improved upon. (You can read my comments here.)
But, as I am NOT one of the judges. It does not matter what I think. In deed, the only thing that matters, is what do You think?
What do you "imagine", for the costume of the Greatest (and Hottest) Super-Heroine ever to grace the pages of a comic book.
Submissions are due between August 1 and August 24.
(An official due-by time is TBA.)
Submission Guidelines.
Your comments are comedy gold man. "Forgot to shave her legs." LOL It's a tricky question: is Wonder Woman's costume sexist? Here's the answer. While guys are ogling her heaving breasts and legs she surprises them with a kick to the groin. Braniac goes down and the world is saved. See? It's functional.
That's the way I figure it.
And Thanks, Maurice. Truth is, I was both serious, and Laughing when I wrote it.
Oh, and as far as female villains are concerned. The world is saved from the moment they see Wonder Woman. As they become so galled up with jealousy and envy, that they forget about their plans to destroy the world. And concentrate solely on destroying Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman's most secret weapon (as most seem to disregard it, as a weapon), is her beauty. And it works best, hidden in plain sight. (Not covered up in pants and neck high breast plates.)
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